Romans 12:2

Be not conformed to this world:

Accepting sin or evil because others have done so;

Conform to fit into a group of people you want to be your friends;

Set aside all conscience to do good because you see in some sin or evil something you believe is good;

Everyone else is doing it, so right or wrong, you believe it is OK to join in;

Other families accept these sins and evils and think nothing bad about it;

Others claim to be Christians and they do it.

What you must donate to conform to this world:

Your mind;

Your heart;

Your body;

Your soul;

Your time;

Your life.

So, you give up everything to sin and evil that God says you should donate to him.

Some evils and sins are the right thing the wrong way:



Many sins and evils are simply wrong because God says they are wrong. These are destructive to the mind, body, soul, and spirit.

These cannot be counted as holy or right:

Taking drugs;

Drinking alcohol;



Internet stripping;

All sexual immorality;

Speaking dirty and filthy words;

Cursing and using God's name in vain;

Immodest dressing of the body to reveal nakedness;

Selfies that are for the purpose to invite lust of others to want you;

Sending porn shots of yourself to others by means of email or some other internet service;

Where a Pastor no longer has a standard of godliness and holiness, inside and outside, it's because he has conformed in all things he allows.


Be not conformed:

As a member of any church that allows sins;

To be accepted among sinful people;

Not for friends;

Not for mother or father;

Not for any others;

Not for a boyfriend;

Not for a girlfriend;

Not for a husband;

Not for a wife;

Not for brothers or sisters;

Not for grandma or grandpa;

Not for aunts or uncles;

Not for school or college mates;

Not for television or movie stars;

Not for any demonic musical band or group;

Not for any LGBTQ person or group.

But, be ye transformed to the renewing of your mind.

Get control back of your mind.

Do not allow demon filled people to determine where you will spend eternity.

Do not look upon evil and desire it.

Set no wicked thing before your eyes.

Be a Christian.

A real one Christian.

A real believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Be ye transformed for the world to come:

Revelation 21:1.

Be counted worthy.

Live a clean, holy, and blessed life.

God will not withhold from you any good and holy thing.

Bishop Reckart

A man God sent